Friday 25 July 2014

Reasons Why Clinics and Hospitals Should Provide Live Chat on their Website

One of the many advantages live chat support has is that it is not restricted to only one industry. The health sector just like any other industry too can benefit greatly from this amazing tech tool. Here we have discussed some benefits the health industry can get out of live chat.

It is a well known fact that live chat support is not restricted to one industry only. According to a research by LiveAdmins®, the companies belonging to various industries are using this medium to not only enhance their customer service but to also increase their conversion rates and to earn customer loyalty. Whether it’s the corporate industry or it is the education sector, live chat is benefiting all.

The use of live chat support in the health industry is a growing trend. Numerous online pharmacies, clinics and hospitals are providing live assistance on their website. And, it has proved to be a successful practice for them. If you have a clinic or a private hospital and you do not provide this service, here are some reasons why you should do so:

Live chat is the most reliable channel of communication

Let's start with the most basic advantage. There is no doubt that live chat is indeed the most reliable channel for communication. Unlike telephones and emails, it allows you to provide a faster service and is easily accessible to your visitors. Any questions your current or future patients might have can be asked quickly through this convenient and efficient medium. Your prospect patients can get all kinds of concerns they have about you, solved through this channel.

It allows an instant connection

As said above live chat is very reliable. It is easily accessible and allows customers to get conveniently in touch with you. In an industry where many visitors contact at the time of emergency, this aspect can come to real use. If a patient is in emergency and he needs to contact you immediately, he can visit your website and type in his query and get it solved in a matter of a few seconds.

Live chat helps building a good reputation of your clinic

No matter which industry you belong to, in order to be successful, you have to build a positive image of your brand. When you provide an immaculate customer service and you are always there for your patients, they will indeed start trusting you. Once the trust is developed, they can spread a positive image about your clinic and hospital attracting other patients towards you.

Live chat is a onetime investment

Live chat support software has features that exceed far beyond the money that is invested on it. It allows one operator to deal with multiple customers, monitors them, gives you the analysis of your traffic and helps keeping a proper record of previous patients. Hence, it allows you to handle a particular patient according to his previous record or through his personal information.

Live chat helps increasing funds and revenues

Something that provides customer convenience, helps building customer trust and attracts more clients will increase your revenue. Just like any other industry, the health industry too strives on money. So, live chat having a very positive influence on your profit will work as an ideal tool for you.

Monday 21 July 2014

Why Online Businesses are turning their Focus towards Live Chat Software?

Do you think that email and telephone are still as effective customer support channels as these had been, a decade before? Certainly not! Now, online businesses have turned their focus to more advanced tools like social media and live chat support.

According to Forrester Market Research, the use of live chat support has rose up to 24% in the past three years. The statistical data provides clear evidence that the popularity of live chat support is increasing day-by-day. This real-time support channel is surely a valuable addition in the online business world because it has helped online vendors to design their marketing, advertising and customer service strategies on the modern basis.

 Live Chat makes it Easy to Connect

With live chat software, online businesses can maintain an easy connectivity with their potential clients. They can approach the potential clients on their websites just on impulses. All they need to do is to send proactive chat greetings. In the similar way, the presence of the chat button allows potential clients to get connected to the support agents without waiting for long.

Enhance the Online Customer Service

With live chat support, the online entrepreneurs can make their customer service a differentiating factor for their online businesses. They can double the efficiency of their online service which in-turn helps them getting more traffic and increased conversion rate. Taking the advantage of this support channel, your chat agents can proactively reach out to their potential clients and can provide them on-the-spot, real time and personalized assistance. Doing this, they can help their potential clients successfully through the checkout stage, which ultimately adds value to your business end revenues.

Competitive Advantage

Deliverance of a high-quality customer support through live chat software is a good way to get a competitive advantage in the market. You cannot get customers until you do not strive to get them on your website, not by force but by enticing them in an efficient way. Now the customers prefer to shop from the websites which offer a live chat support, because this gives them a guarantee of getting a high quality online customer service.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Authentic Methods to Accurately Measure Your Customer Satisfaction

The measurement of customer satisfaction rate lets you know where your business stands in the market. For an online business, the most important thing is, to be liked by its customers, because it paves the way towards increased conversion rate and huge revenues. Therefore, the e-businesses should take proper and authentic steps to measure the customers' happiness with their products and services.

Why is it necessary for a business to measure its customers' satisfaction rate? A customer would never purchase or repurchase from an e-store until he is not contented with its service or the products. One can say that customer satisfaction is directly linked with the conversion rate of a particular website. According to different market surveys, 90% of the potential buyers become real purchasers when they are happy with a service or product.

How could a business get to know about its customers' satisfaction ratio? There are multiple parameters and ways of doing it but you need to choose those methods which are not only applicable but practical enough to give accurate results. Here are some simple and authentic methods using which, you can get to know the customer satisfaction rate in an efficient way.

Online Surveys and Feedback

Quick online surveys and feedback provide a true evaluation of your service or product because the customers immediately give feedback which lets you know either your service was up-to-the mark or not. Moreover, it also lets you know where you lacked and what the shoppers liked the most about you. This way, by getting instant feedback, you can take proper measures to make improvements wherever needed. If you have integrated live chat software onto your website, you can offer post-chat surveys to your website visitors after a live chat session ends. The survey is meant to take the visitors' feedback about the service they just received.

Measure the Revisit/ Repeat Purchases

A customer only revisits or repurchases from an e-store when he is satisfied with service or product. By measuring the revisit and repeat purchases on your website, you can easily get to know about the customer satisfaction rate. With live chat solution on your e-commerce website, you can track whether the visitor is new on your website and has completed his purchase process or not. The users' IPs and URLs lets you know about their geographical locations and the other source from where they have landed on your website. This way, you can easily get to know about the area of the world from which you are getting more conversions and web traffic.

Analyze the Complaint Rate

Some of the businesses make the mistake of overlooking their customers' complaints; therefore, they do not make proper arrangements or do not provide a proper forum where their potential clients could add their complaints. Remember, receiving no complaint is even more dangerous because it keeps you unaware of your clients' satisfaction with your business. There are various ways an online business can enable its potential clients to enter their complaints. One most effective ways is to engage customers in one-on-one live chat support session, where your buyers get a chance to directly speak out their fears and concerns to your CSRs.

Measure Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

Your shopping cart abandonment also provides you an insight about the customer satisfaction rate. The potential buyers can quit your shopping cart due to various reasons as they may be dissatisfied with the shipping cost, online payment method or product delivery duration.

Thus, by properly measuring your customer satisfaction rate, you can analyze the standard of your customer service as well as the quality of your service. The timely improvements and revised business strategies will help you overcome the discrepancies.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Impact of Good Live Chat Service on Your Sales

Customer service is an important department of any organization. It directly deals with the customers and handles their queries and issues. It makes sure that the customers are having no problems from your side and their relationship with you is strong and smooth. If we look at all the channels of customer service, live chat support indeed stands out. It is faster, reliable and helps you providing maximum customer convenience and satisfaction.

The most profound impact of live chat is perhaps on your sales. There are numerous research studies and surveys that show a positive relation between live chat and sales. Companies that have real time assistance on their web stores tend to have greater sales. Here are some reasons why live chat is good for your sales:

It provides customer convenience

A happy customer is your biggest asset and to make your customer happy, you must provide him with convenience. Live chat has the highest rates of customer convenience as compared to other mediums of customer service. It allows your visitors to get all their issues resolved instantly.

You can target prospect customers

Using the advanced features of live chat support software your operators can detect which customers are more likely to buy. By that you can target all your prospect buyers and send them chat invitation with catchy phrases. When you reach out to potential buyers, your conversion rates increase rapidly.

You can do e-marketing

Generally, customers are not quite pleased with the interactive marketing. But, with live chat, interactive market becomes easier and is more effective. Knowing the shopping pattern of the customers, you can market those products to the customers which suit their needs. Such a targeted marketing would lead to more sales.

You earn customer loyalty

To build a good reputation of your brand and to attract more customers, you need to have a loyal base of customers. No matter how good your marketing skills are and how smart your advertisement is, nothing works more than word to mouth marketing. And, for that you must have loyal customers who would refer you over others. Live chat, being such a convenient channel of communication, helps building a great reputation of your brand. Every visitor who visits your website leaves happy with the help of this medium.

For the growth of your business you depend on sales, and for increased sales you need to provide customer convenience and to have a reliable channel for e-marketing. Live chat support helps increasing sales by playing this role for your e-store.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Live Chat Software a Good Tool to Evaluate your Business Performance

The secret behind the success of most of the online businesses is the regular evaluation of their performance. A business can never beat the competition and meet the customers' demands until it does not know where it stands.

Performance evaluation lets you know your progress over a certain time period and it also highlights the areas where you lack. Although, for online businesses, there are various ways to evaluate their performance but using the live chat software you can do in the best and precise way.

By having a look at chat histories, you can count the conversion rate on your website on weekly, monthly, biannually and even on the annual basis. In the similar way, you can check the performance of your CSRs by looking at the chat histories. The chat transcript also lets you see whether a particular chat agent has followed your policies regarding the use of canned messages. Suppose, your business is showing a good growth over a certain time period, you can get to know about the policies and practices your chat agents followed to make you reach that status.

In the similar way, if a business fails to meet its set target for a specified time, it can look at the pitfalls that could have resulted due to lack of training of the CSRs and their poor knowledge. By having a live chat support incorporated in your system, you can even get to know about the type of customers, your business is getting the most and know about the area they belong to.

Even the one-on-one live chat sessions enable you to have a seamless and detailed interaction with your clients. This way, you get a chance to read out customers’ mind to get into their needs and demands. You can even get to know about the time duration, for which your chat agents keep your potential clients engaged in your service. This is how, by evaluating your business performance in a fast, accurate and easy way; you can bring timely improvements wherever necessary.

If you are using live chat software too, you can take the advantage of this business tool to evaluate your business performance. Thus, timely evaluation helps you make immediate improvements to keep your business on the winning streak.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Catch their attention from the start - Ideas for amazing chat greetings

In a recent study by LiveAdmins® related to the effectiveness of chat greetings, it was revealed that greetings play a crucial role in engaging the customers. Since live chat support is gaining great popularity, customers are now aware of how it works and wouldn’t be surprised to find a chat window popping up when they enter a web store. But a lot of people still minimize the chat window and that too unconsciously. So, to make customers stop and look at your chat window and to avail it, you must make your presence felt. And, when it comes to making your presence felt, the greeting phase plays an important role in this regard.

Stop being boring and typical:

As said above, a majority of customers are not surprised to find a chat invitation popping up, so they wouldn't be surprised by your old and boring greeting either. A typical 'How may I help you' or 'Hi, I am john, how can I be of your assistance?' is not captivating enough. Customers must have heard this 100s times before so they would not find it very attractive. So, the first thing that you would have to do is to stop being boring and typical.

Don't be afraid to be bold and creative:

To make your greetings attractive don't feel shy to be bold and different. Add in phrases that you think no one else would use and would compel the visitors to give your chat service a try. Using the custom features of the live chat support software, you can tailor marvelous chat greetings and also set them differently for different pages of your website. Using the proactive chat wisely, you can set greetings at different times and different pages and even on different kinds of customers.

Examples of some unique greetings:

To help you in selecting a perfect greeting, here are some examples:
  • 'Hey what's up? Seems like you can't figure your way out?' For customers who are stuck at the checkout page, this greeting can be used.
  • For a new visitor you can say: 'Hey its Julia! How are you doing? Have any issues?'
  • 'Hi this is Sara, your problems are mine to solve. So need any help?'
  • 'Hello, I am John, seems like you need a little help. Don't be afraid to ask, I'll help you'
You get the idea don't you? The above mentioned greetings are different, innovative, funny and very attractive.

Friday 13 June 2014

Customer service benchmarks you can attain with live chat

Providing customer service of a top notch is very important for any organization to prosper. When you treat your customers well and respect their opinions, they will respect you in return and form a long lasting bond with your organization. You must give them convenient and smooth channels of communication, through which they can easily get all their problems solved.

Where other channels of communication have their share of limitations, there is one channel that allows you to provide excellent customer service, and that channel is live chat support. Here are some benchmarks that live chat helps you to attain:

High FCR rates

It is a well known fact that customers despise coming again and again for the same problem. The more you solve customers' issues on first contact, the more satisfied they will be with you. It has been proven repeatedly through various research studies that live chat plays a positive role in increasing your FCR rates. The client dashboard and knowledge base library of the live chat support software keep the product knowledge of your operators up to dated. Hence letting them easily solve a query on the first contact.

Lesser response time

Being fast is perhaps the first thing that customers seek out in your customer service. When they have to go through hassles to reach you and have to wait hours to get a response, they get annoyed and agitated. Live chat support, being the fastest channel of customer communications, allows instant and seamless connection. The multi chat features of the live chat support software allow the operators to handle multiple customers simultaneously; hence reducing the customers' queue and the response time as well.

Customer satisfaction

When your service is fast and you resolve customer issues on first contact, your customer will be happy with you. And, when they are happy with you, they will eventually be satisfied with your service. Apart from providing a smooth and efficient channel of communication, live chat also makes online shopping a highly convenient experience for the customers. It allows the operators to help the visitors in all the stages of online shopping and allows them to guide the customers well.

The above mentioned three important metrics, determine the state of your customer service. And live chat allows to you to attain these benchmarks effectively.

Monday 2 June 2014

How Live Chat Software Renovates Your Online Customer Service?

To have live chat software on e-commerce websites has become a norm as well as a necessity. When a customer lands on a website with live chat application, the first perception that comes in his mind is that he can have a real-time and enhanced online shopping experience here. Moreover, the websites with support are considered more authentic and livelier.

No doubt, other than serving as a symbol of credibility, the live chat has also become a big need because, without it, the retailers do not have any direct and reliable way of connecting and communicating with their potential clients. The way, the online vendors used to get connected and support their potential clients earlier has totally been transformed. See how this chat application renovates the online customer.

Easy Connectivity

Although, telephonic support has long been in use in connecting online customers and retailers with each other but it has many limitations like – sound distortion, busy helpline, high cost. This mode of connectivity has not been as useful because a customer has to wait long even after getting his call connected. However, live chat support removes all such kinds of discrepancies, as it lets a potential buyer to get connected to CSRs, just in a matter of seconds. There is no need to dial a long helpline number or no need to stand in the queue. The multitasking feature of live chat enables live chat operators to serve more than three customers simultaneously.

Fast and Useful Assistant

As live chat widget enables live chat operators to develop one-on-one contacts with their clients by communicating with them through text-based conversation. The seamless chat sessions allow CSRs to provide on-the-spot answers to their customers' queries. Thus, the potential clients can get all their issues resolved only in one session.

Personalized Assistance

Online customer service has never been as personalized as it is now with the incorporation of live chat with e-commerce websites. The live chat agents can provide personalized assistance to their potential clients by assisting them in their native languages.

Round the Clock Assistance

Now, with the advent of live chat software, retailers can keep their online service on for 24/7. Doing this they can expand their business reach by eliminating the time zone difference and inviting customers from across the globe.

Undoubtedly, this innovative business tool has duly renovated the online customer service on the whole.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Online customer service benchmarks that you can attain through live chat

Maintaining a spectacular online customer service is very important for any company to prosper. A poor customer service not only leads to a loss of customers but also results in a bad image and reputation of your brand. A good customer service on the other hand, plays a crucial role in the growth of your business.

When it comes to providing a smooth online customer service, there is no other channel as efficient as the live chat support for that purpose. This amazing channel helps you attaining essential metrics that are required to make your e-business prosper - benchmarks like:

Customer convenience

No company can prosper if it fails to satisfy its customers. Customer convenience is perhaps the most important benchmark for any company to attain. And, with live chat support, you can easily attain this benchmark.

A channel such as live chat will allow your customers to connect with you instantly and get their issues resolved. It will remove all sorts of communication barriers which lead to a bad customer experience. The channel would also allow your operators to make navigation through your website, easier for the customers.

Speed and accuracy

Your clients demand a fast and reliable customer service. They want you to respond immediately and would get irritated if you make them wait. Also, they expect you to resolve their issues effectively and would get infuriated if your service is sloppy.

Live chat support software is designed in a way that it ensures speed and accuracy. The automated features of the software allow the operators to be fast, and the knowledge base feature allows them to keep their product knowledge up to dated.

Effective e-marketing

Using customer service for e-marketing is very important for any organization. Through their communication channels, companies can let their customers know about the launching of their latest products, sales and offers.

Live chat, being the most efficient online communication channel allows you to effectively e-market your brand. Your operators can increase the product awareness of your customers and lead to more sales by showing them products suiting their interests.

Customer loyalty

For future sales and establishing your brand, you must earn customer loyalty. And to earn customer loyalty you must ensure customers’ satisfaction. As stated above, live chat support helps providing maximum customer convenience. Therefore, it also leads to customer loyalty, letting you earn a strong base of loyal customers.

If you want to attain all the essential benchmarks of online customer service, you must invest in live chat support software.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Reasons why you need to have an excellent QA & training department

An organization can only be successful if it manages to maintain the quality of its performance. You might have gained a lot of customers because of your good performance, but to retain them you would have to make sure that the quality of the performance does not fall. In order to ensure that the quality of your services remain the same, you would have to constantly monitor your service for quality assurance.

Customer service is one of the main departments of any business. Being a representative of any organization, the person directly interacts with the customers, solving their queries, listening to their complaints and ensuring that the customers are provided with the utmost comfort. This department has the power to make or break your business. If your customer service is good, your sales will increase and you will get a greater customer turnover. But, just like any other department of your business, your customer service department too needs a constant check, quality assurance and monitoring.

QA and training for live chat:

Currently, live chat support software is the most convenient mode of communication. Being a fast, seam less, two-way and reliable channel, it humanizes your website by providing real time assistance to the customers. However, if the quality of your live chat support service is not regulated, its quality might fall. Similarly if the operators are not trained well, you will not be able to deliver the kind of performance that guarantees customer convenience.

One of the main reasons why live chat doesn't work for many organizations is that the training of the operators is not good. The operators are just given a manual and asked to operate on the software. And if they are trained, the training is not comprehensive and just some basics are taught. If you want to retain your customers and make sure that they are satisfied, you must give an excellent training to your operators and teach them all regarding live chat support.

To make sure that the operators follow all the instructions keenly and all the training is being put to proper use, you must also have a good QA (Quality Assurance) department. For quality assurance, you must keep a check on each and every operator, analyze all the chats and see which mistakes are being committed and why. Constant regulation of your live chat support service is the only thing that will let you maintain the quality of your performance.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Ways Live Chat Software is Assisting Businesses All over the World

Live support chat software is not just a tool for customer communication anymore; with its advanced features it is now becoming an essential element for the success of any online business. The best thing about the software is perhaps its versatility. Customizable live support chat software serves effectively for all kinds of businesses and is not restricted to a particular niche only. By being a credible technology, this software is playing a direct role in the success of e-commerce websites of all niches and markets by:

Providing customer convenience

For any business, whether it is of medicine, clothes, cosmetics, electronics or just about anything, the purpose of providing customer services is to ensure customer convenience as it is the key to the success of any business. Without customer convenience, your business can actually fail. Live chat software consists of features which enable the CSRs to provide best services which lead to maximum customer convenience. The software gives customers an efficient platform through which they can easily share their concerns. By providing a seamless, two way channel of communication the software makes it easy for the customers to connect with you at the time of need. It also enables the CSRs to effectively help and guide the customers while shopping, hence making shopping convenient for them.

Increasing sales and revenues
When customers are satisfied with you, they will definitely buy from your or avail your services. Most of the times, customers buy from a particular store only because they like the customer services of that store. That is the power of good customer services. Since customizable live chat software enhances your customer services, it leads to greater sales which further lead to an increase in the revenue. Another way live chat software assists in lead generation is:

Helping in E-marketing
We all know how important marketing is for sales. Whether you own a brick and mortar business or an online business, you need marketing to ensure maximum sales. Live chat software plays a very important in marketing your services. Through interactive marketing, it allows you to take your marketing to a personal level, letting you market only those products that can interest the customers. Effective marketing through live chat service will also help attracting more customers towards you, by aiding in word of mouth marketing.

If used in the right way, live support chat software can turn out be a great investment by not only providing customer convenience but also by ensuring increased sales and revenues.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

How Live Chat Software Helps you Dazzle Your Customers?

Surprises are good tools to get customers' attention, especially on the special occasions. One fact you might know or not, about the customers is that they are always in search of surprises including, different promotions, discounts, deals and other similar things. Can you think that you can also dazzle your customers by bringing innovation and convenience in your customer service in different ways? By incorporating live chat software in your e-commerce websites, you can surprise your online customers in the following ways.

Engage them in One-on-One Conversation with Real Persons

While shopping online, customers expect support either through email or through telephone helplines. Either of these support channels seldom proves helpful in providing quick and hassle free support because emails take too long to get delivered or are insufficient to satisfy a customer. In the similar way, telephone lines usually remain busy, putting customers on long waiting queues. However, live chat software has neither of these issues; instead it helps you engaging customers in real way in seamless one-on-one conversations, which allow them to get all their questions resolved on-the-spot.

Provide Personalized Service
You can create an essence of personalization by calling your customers with their real names. The one-on-one chat sessions also allows you to provide personalized answers of their queries. Thus, feeling more valued, customers like to revisit your website for more surprises.

Round the Clock Online Service

By using live chat support service, you can provide assistance to your clients round the clock. Thus, 24/7 online service invites customers from across the border because time-zone difference no longer remains an issue. Customers can easily catch you anytime, anywhere they feel easy.

Assist them throughout Online Shopping

Using live chat software's real-time monitoring feature, you can keep a track of your customers' activities on your website. You can easily get to know where they need to be approached proactively. Even a customer himself can get assistance, only by clicking on the chat box window.

Provide them After-Sales Support

Live chat even enables you to provide an after-sales support to your online potential clients. Once they have completed a purchase on your website, you can send them the chat histories via emails, which would make it easy for the customers to revisit your website in the future.

Thus, the live chat software's remarkable features enable you to dazzle your customers by giving them an enhanced online shopping experience.

Monday 24 March 2014

5 Keys to Boost Online Sales through Live Chat Software

The vendors' quest of making more and getting better than ever is genuine because the tough market situation and increasing customer demands are biggest stimulants to drive them this way. If you are one of those entrepreneurs, who are in race of finding new ways of boosting their online sales then foremost thing you need to do is to install live chat software in your website. This innovative business tool has proved to increase online sales in wonderful ways. Here are five keys to boost your online sales through this chat widget.

1. Select the Right Tool

When it comes to choosing live chat software for your business, you should never compromise on quality. You need to select the best tool for your business which offers maximum features, easy installation and a 30-day trial period. The more features your chat widget would have, the more likely you are to upgrade your business (sales and customer service techniques). Moreover, a prolonged trial period will enable you to check all the pros and cons of your chosen live chat software.

2. Get a Complete Command over its Usage

Just getting the best tool is not going to work out until you do not know how to handle it efficiently. You need to make your live chat agents well aware of its features and functionalities so that they could create an enhanced customer experience by using it efficiently.

3. Keep it on, 24/7

Whether you are providing live support service in UAE or in any other business center across the world, you need to turn your live chat status on, round the clock. This means that you have to turn on your service 24/7, as this will help you catch maximum customers from across the globe.

4. Experiment

Do not stick to obsolete sales and customer service techniques; rather to cope up with increasing customers' demands, you sometimes need to do experiments with your live chat software. For instance, you can check various locations of your live chat button to check, which one brings more profitable results for your business. In the same way, you can bring changes in your canned messages. Using the customizing feature of your live chat solution, you can experiment with different colors and designs of live chat windows.

5. Use Proactive Approach

You need to use proactive approach to invite customers for the live chat sessions. The proactive approach is useful in engaging potential clients on your website.

Thus, following these key points, you can make your live chat software a sales generating business tool.

Monday 10 March 2014

How your team size is linked to customers' satisfaction?

One of the best features of live chat software is its multiple chats feature. By allowing one operator to handle multiple customers at a time, this feature reduces recruitment expenses along with making customers' management easy. But, many companies exploit this feature and hire a team of very few greeters in order to cut their costs. While this practice does work in this regard, a smaller team of chat operators might lead to a decrease in customers’ satisfaction rates and a poor live chat performance. There are many companies providing live support services in UAE that focus on cost reduction because of which they hire a few operators, hence neglecting customers' satisfaction, which is a wrong practice because:

More operators means more attention
Multiple chats might improve the average response time of your customers, but it can decrease the resolution rate of your organization. The reason for this is that handling multiple customers simultaneously divides the attention of the operators, because of which they cannot completely focus on the customers' issues. When you would not solve customers' queries - the key reason why customers contact you, they would be disappointed. On the other hand, when your operators are able to focus on customers’ issues, they will be able to resolve them better, leading to an increase in customers' satisfaction rates.

Handling multiple customers will decrease the efficiency of the operators

With a lot on their plate, the performance of your operators will obviously be affected. And, since your operators are responsible for making your live chat support work, a bad performance on their part will fail your live chat services. Not only will the multiple chatting decrease the resolution rate but will also not let operators guide the customers well. Chatting with multiple customers along with real-time monitoring and customer tracking will increase the stress of the operators. This will, then lead to a slow and weak performance. In short, chatting with more than 3 customers simultaneously will not only let your chat operators solve customers' queries effectively but will also not let them guide the visitors better. All of this will lead to customers' frustration and dissatisfaction.

For making live chat customer support work, it is very important that the operators give their full attention to the customers. Since multiple chatting divides the attention of the customer, your resolution rates will fall along with your customer satisfaction rates. So, whether you are providing live support services in UAE, UK, US or anywhere in the world, it is important that the size of your team is large enough to handle customers effectively.

Monday 24 February 2014

Things to Consider While Providing Proactive Live Chat Support

Being proactive is the most valued customer service practice as it not only shows your concern for your customers but also saves you from losing a sale. Now, most of the businesses, especially the e-businesses are using proactive approach to catch potential customers landing on their website. With the mindset of providing a proactive support, your live chat agents remain more active in observing the visitors activities on their websites so that they could greet a customer at the right time. However, if you are overdoing the proactive chat practice, it may cast an impression as the clients are being forced to make a purchase.

To make your proactive chat effective, here are some important things to consider.

  • Before rushing towards potential client on your website, you need to thoroughly analyze customers' profile for which you can use live chat software's real-time visitor monitoring feature. This enables you to find out a potential client's location, the type of browser he has used to open up your website, the operating system he is using and the details about his membership.
  • Gathering this much of information about a customer does not take too much time, but just a few seconds. This way, your chat agents can make themselves fully prepared to ask relevant and precise questions in proactive chat greeting. Additionally, live chat operators can increase the first call resolution rate on your website by providing a useful support to potential clients just in a matter of seconds, which ultimately rewards them in-terms of immediate sales.
  • Proactive chat greetings should carry the essence of personalized support which is only possible when your chat agents have complete product knowledge as well as the necessary details about a particular customer. To make your proactive approach more personalized, you can send a greeting to a potential client in his native language. Give personalized attention to every word your potential client writes and then provide answers accordingly.
  • However, if your chat agents are bombarding the pre-designed chat greetings to the potential clients, this may reverse the results and you may get more bounce rate on your website.

Entrepreneurs all across the globe are taking the edge or proactive approach to increase their sales volume. By using live support service in UAE and across other business centers, you can proactively greet every visitor on your website.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Use live chat software to generate leads for apparel web store

Live chat software does not only assist in providing excellent customer services it also helps in generating leads and increasing conversion rates. For an online retail store, live chat can work wonders, especially for an apparel e-store. When customers enter an online apparel store they are bursting with concerns and queries, using live chat software you can utilize customer needs to generate greater leads. There are many online apparel stores using live chat software in UAE and are generating leads by:

Lending a helping hand

When shopping for clothes, especially on a virtual medium, customers can really get confused and lost. If they cannot find their way out, they will quickly lose interest and leave your web store empty handed. However, if during their time of confusion, you step in and assist them, you will find yourself a potential buyer. To every customer, who visits your web store, if you offer assistance, you will increase the percentage of potential buyers.

Answering their questions on time

Nowadays, customers are impatient and tend to get agitated quickly. Gone are the days when customers would be willing to wait, now you have to be quick, otherwise, customers will leave you instantly. If you answer their questions on time, you will be able to retain the customers. And customer retention is directly linked with the increased sales. Whether customers want to know about the sizes, colors, availability of clothes or about shipment charges, your operators at the other end of your website should be ready with their answers.

Marketing your products

We all know how important effective marketing is for lead generation. If done wisely and correctly, marketing can flourish your business, and if done badly, it can destroy your entire business. Live chat software has a huge advantage that it can be used as a highly effective e-marketing tool. Other than answering their questions, your operators can market your products to the customers. They can suggest the latest items of your collection to the customers or they can directly lead the customers to the products that might interest them.

Providing convenience

When you give quick customer service and help your customers at the hour of need, you will provide your customers with maximum convenience. When customers will be satisfied, they will not buy from you but will also market your products through word of mouth. Customer convenience and satisfaction is also directly proportional to increased sales.

If you have UAE based online apparel store, there are numerous companies providing live chat service in UAE, which can provide you with the most advanced software. You can buy any software of your liking and generate leads for your web store.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

What is a pre chat survey and why is it important?

A pre chat survey is kind of a form given to customers, before engaging them in conversation. Many e-commerce websites that provide online support services in UAE and rest of the world, ask their customers to fill up this survey form before proceeding further. Many e-commerce gurus consider that pre chat survey is an important step in any live chat conversation. Here are some reasons why pre chat surveys are important:

To gather information about customers
Although live chat software has advanced features that can tell you a lot about customers including their personal information, essential for your business. How much information you get depends upon the kind of questions you ask. It also depends upon the kind of business you run. Whether you want detailed information or just an email address, a pre chat survey can help you gaining information about your customers.

To filter out your visitors

A pre chat survey would also enable you to filter out the right customers. It would help you distinguish between serious customers and pranksters and bullies. Only those customers who are interested in buying your products will make an effort to fill a survey, while those who just want to waste your time will not find it worth the effort.

To assist customers on a personal level

Gaining personal information about the customers will help you assist them on personal level. By asking customers about their attributes, interests and preferences you can guide them about the products that ideally suit them and their lifestyle. For example, many travel websites ask their customers about their interests and lifestyle and suggest them places for vacations which suit their interest.

To analyze your customers

Although live chat support software has a real time monitoring feature, but a pre chat survey gives you a detailed analysis of the kind of customers who buy from you. Getting a hold on the type of customers, you want to serve will be a great help. It will assist you in devising the best possible marketing strategies for your website.

To help you remember customers and stay in touch with them

A pre chat survey will also help you remember your customers and stay connected with them. You can send information about the new deals on your web store to your customer via email. And when they return to your website for shopping again you can take a step towards creating a long lasting cordial relation with them.

A pre chat survey is an important step in any live chat conversation and must be applied by anyone who offers live chat services.

Sunday 19 January 2014

4 Ways Live Chat Improves Your Online Communication

Communication is the beginning of relation with your customers. Although, in a typical brick and mortar store, vendors or sales persons can have a face-to-face communication with every coming customer; but when it comes to online businesses, communicating with customers becomes a tough task. Retailers have to take the edge of slow responding emails and high costing telephone helplines. Responding your customers through emails or phone calls usually annoys them, by making them stand in long waiting queues.

Therefore, to conduct an effective and smooth communication with your customers, you need to integrate live chat software in your website through which you can establish an easy and smooth connection between you and your customers.

Here is how live chat software improves your online communication.

1. Quick Communication Reduces Hassle

Using live chat, you can communicate with your customers easily, smoothly and quickly, either by proactively approaching them or by responding to their chats. To provide a quicker response of general questions, your chat reps can use canned messages. You do not need to make your customers wait for their turns because the multitasking feature of this chat application enables your single rep to handle multiple chats simultaneously.

2. Seamless Communication Leaves No Question Unanswered

By deploying live chat support on your website, you can conduct a textual one-on-one conversation with all of your customers. The seamless conversation enables you to leave none of your customers' questions unanswered or unresolved. This way, you can increase customers' satisfaction and trust in your products and services.

3. Respond to Your Customers in their Native Languages

When you provide online services, you come across customers from all across the globe speaking different languages. In such situation, language could become a barrier in serving the worldwide customers, but the multilingual feature of online chat allows your customer service rep to serve international customers in the language they can easily speak and understand.

4. Real Time Response and Personalized Response

Personalization always pleases a customer as it makes him feel more valued. Using live support, your chat reps can provide real-time and personalized responses to every customer on your website.

This is how live chat improves your online business communication largely. The improved communication in-turn casts an enhanced image of your service. Along with increasing your online clientele, it helps you develop a strong customer relationship. Moreover, it also earns you lifelong customers, who later become your brand advocates.

Thursday 2 January 2014

File Sharing Feature of Live Chat Software - A Good Option for Improved Live Support

Sometimes, the one-on-one text-based conversation does not prove enough to satisfy your customers' queries and the chat session keeps on extending instead of entering into a conclusion. Why does this happen? Although, this is not going to happen all the time but there are some occasions when wavering customers come across some complications where they want to have detailed and clear information about a product. The detail can even go this lengthy that it can consume a lot of operators' precious time. Therefore, handling such queries or customers especially during the busy hours, becomes difficult as it hampers their multi-tasking to a great extent.

Thus, being engaged with a single customer, an operator may lose many others, who could have generated more revenues for your business. Here is where an operator must take the edge of file sharing feature of live chat software.

Transfer Multiple Informative Documents

Depending upon the type of queries, a live chat operator can transfer files in form of images, files, folders or any other document. Almost all types of files except executable (.exe) files can be sent through the chat software and dashboard. Normally, the maximum limit of sending files is 5mb. A chat operator can send multiple files simultaneously but the total limit cannot exceed beyond 5mb. However, depending upon the type and version of live chat software, file transferring range may increase or decrease accordingly. Images are sent when a customer wants to have a closer look of a particular product that is not possible to explain in a text-based conversation. The link of the file and thumbnail impression is automatically saved in your chat history.

Ease both for Operators as well as Customers

Sharing files is also important in a way that it lets operators do more in the limited time. Instead of getting pulled in long debates with customers that can sometimes create a miserable situation, the chat operators can transfer files that help them work in a flow while maintaining their multi-tasking capabilities. On the other hand, customers neither need to wait long for getting their issues resolved nor do they need to go to multiple support agents for getting online support service. Transferred files are also important for your customers in way that these can help them save the data (files, pictures, documents, invoices) in their system that can be used for assistance even after the chat session is over.

One thing, the operators should keep in mind that they should transfer selected files that carry useful, accurate and precise information and not irrelevant details, which may give an impression to your customers as they are just being stopped by the bombardment of information.