Friday 13 June 2014

Customer service benchmarks you can attain with live chat

Providing customer service of a top notch is very important for any organization to prosper. When you treat your customers well and respect their opinions, they will respect you in return and form a long lasting bond with your organization. You must give them convenient and smooth channels of communication, through which they can easily get all their problems solved.

Where other channels of communication have their share of limitations, there is one channel that allows you to provide excellent customer service, and that channel is live chat support. Here are some benchmarks that live chat helps you to attain:

High FCR rates

It is a well known fact that customers despise coming again and again for the same problem. The more you solve customers' issues on first contact, the more satisfied they will be with you. It has been proven repeatedly through various research studies that live chat plays a positive role in increasing your FCR rates. The client dashboard and knowledge base library of the live chat support software keep the product knowledge of your operators up to dated. Hence letting them easily solve a query on the first contact.

Lesser response time

Being fast is perhaps the first thing that customers seek out in your customer service. When they have to go through hassles to reach you and have to wait hours to get a response, they get annoyed and agitated. Live chat support, being the fastest channel of customer communications, allows instant and seamless connection. The multi chat features of the live chat support software allow the operators to handle multiple customers simultaneously; hence reducing the customers' queue and the response time as well.

Customer satisfaction

When your service is fast and you resolve customer issues on first contact, your customer will be happy with you. And, when they are happy with you, they will eventually be satisfied with your service. Apart from providing a smooth and efficient channel of communication, live chat also makes online shopping a highly convenient experience for the customers. It allows the operators to help the visitors in all the stages of online shopping and allows them to guide the customers well.

The above mentioned three important metrics, determine the state of your customer service. And live chat allows to you to attain these benchmarks effectively.


  1. It has met all my expectations and The Live Support Software operates 24×7 even without an operating personnel to offer humanised and automated responses to the enquiring customers.

  2. Yes, After embedding Live Support Chat Software on our website an operational platform, we are closing deals faster; customer support has never been so efficient.
