Monday 21 July 2014

Why Online Businesses are turning their Focus towards Live Chat Software?

Do you think that email and telephone are still as effective customer support channels as these had been, a decade before? Certainly not! Now, online businesses have turned their focus to more advanced tools like social media and live chat support.

According to Forrester Market Research, the use of live chat support has rose up to 24% in the past three years. The statistical data provides clear evidence that the popularity of live chat support is increasing day-by-day. This real-time support channel is surely a valuable addition in the online business world because it has helped online vendors to design their marketing, advertising and customer service strategies on the modern basis.

 Live Chat makes it Easy to Connect

With live chat software, online businesses can maintain an easy connectivity with their potential clients. They can approach the potential clients on their websites just on impulses. All they need to do is to send proactive chat greetings. In the similar way, the presence of the chat button allows potential clients to get connected to the support agents without waiting for long.

Enhance the Online Customer Service

With live chat support, the online entrepreneurs can make their customer service a differentiating factor for their online businesses. They can double the efficiency of their online service which in-turn helps them getting more traffic and increased conversion rate. Taking the advantage of this support channel, your chat agents can proactively reach out to their potential clients and can provide them on-the-spot, real time and personalized assistance. Doing this, they can help their potential clients successfully through the checkout stage, which ultimately adds value to your business end revenues.

Competitive Advantage

Deliverance of a high-quality customer support through live chat software is a good way to get a competitive advantage in the market. You cannot get customers until you do not strive to get them on your website, not by force but by enticing them in an efficient way. Now the customers prefer to shop from the websites which offer a live chat support, because this gives them a guarantee of getting a high quality online customer service.


  1. The Live Support Software operates 24×7 even without an operating personnel to offer humanized and automated responses to the enquiring customers.

  2. The feature of Online Live Support Chat Software makes lead generation and customer service easier and faster than offline services like making phone calls.

  3. Yes, A Website Support Chat is THE dominate preferred customer experience. The JOLEADO System adds value through email marketing, lead nurturing, and drip campaigns that work.
