Tuesday 15 July 2014

Authentic Methods to Accurately Measure Your Customer Satisfaction

The measurement of customer satisfaction rate lets you know where your business stands in the market. For an online business, the most important thing is, to be liked by its customers, because it paves the way towards increased conversion rate and huge revenues. Therefore, the e-businesses should take proper and authentic steps to measure the customers' happiness with their products and services.

Why is it necessary for a business to measure its customers' satisfaction rate? A customer would never purchase or repurchase from an e-store until he is not contented with its service or the products. One can say that customer satisfaction is directly linked with the conversion rate of a particular website. According to different market surveys, 90% of the potential buyers become real purchasers when they are happy with a service or product.

How could a business get to know about its customers' satisfaction ratio? There are multiple parameters and ways of doing it but you need to choose those methods which are not only applicable but practical enough to give accurate results. Here are some simple and authentic methods using which, you can get to know the customer satisfaction rate in an efficient way.

Online Surveys and Feedback

Quick online surveys and feedback provide a true evaluation of your service or product because the customers immediately give feedback which lets you know either your service was up-to-the mark or not. Moreover, it also lets you know where you lacked and what the shoppers liked the most about you. This way, by getting instant feedback, you can take proper measures to make improvements wherever needed. If you have integrated live chat software onto your website, you can offer post-chat surveys to your website visitors after a live chat session ends. The survey is meant to take the visitors' feedback about the service they just received.

Measure the Revisit/ Repeat Purchases

A customer only revisits or repurchases from an e-store when he is satisfied with service or product. By measuring the revisit and repeat purchases on your website, you can easily get to know about the customer satisfaction rate. With live chat solution on your e-commerce website, you can track whether the visitor is new on your website and has completed his purchase process or not. The users' IPs and URLs lets you know about their geographical locations and the other source from where they have landed on your website. This way, you can easily get to know about the area of the world from which you are getting more conversions and web traffic.

Analyze the Complaint Rate

Some of the businesses make the mistake of overlooking their customers' complaints; therefore, they do not make proper arrangements or do not provide a proper forum where their potential clients could add their complaints. Remember, receiving no complaint is even more dangerous because it keeps you unaware of your clients' satisfaction with your business. There are various ways an online business can enable its potential clients to enter their complaints. One most effective ways is to engage customers in one-on-one live chat support session, where your buyers get a chance to directly speak out their fears and concerns to your CSRs.

Measure Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

Your shopping cart abandonment also provides you an insight about the customer satisfaction rate. The potential buyers can quit your shopping cart due to various reasons as they may be dissatisfied with the shipping cost, online payment method or product delivery duration.

Thus, by properly measuring your customer satisfaction rate, you can analyze the standard of your customer service as well as the quality of your service. The timely improvements and revised business strategies will help you overcome the discrepancies.


  1. I use the kind that allows me to speak in real time with customers using the power of the written word. Live Chat Software for Business is a tool for strategic marketing which aids customers in their confusion and companies in lead conversion

  2. The Live Chat Software for Business helps in quicker problem solving than calls, larger customer base with more satisfied customers and genuine feedbacks.

  3. UseLive Support Chat for Website to follow up with your customer. Tell them always to leave feedback to help you improve when next you are dealing with them. This will also help you to figure out how to interact well with them next time.
