Friday 25 July 2014

Reasons Why Clinics and Hospitals Should Provide Live Chat on their Website

One of the many advantages live chat support has is that it is not restricted to only one industry. The health sector just like any other industry too can benefit greatly from this amazing tech tool. Here we have discussed some benefits the health industry can get out of live chat.

It is a well known fact that live chat support is not restricted to one industry only. According to a research by LiveAdmins®, the companies belonging to various industries are using this medium to not only enhance their customer service but to also increase their conversion rates and to earn customer loyalty. Whether it’s the corporate industry or it is the education sector, live chat is benefiting all.

The use of live chat support in the health industry is a growing trend. Numerous online pharmacies, clinics and hospitals are providing live assistance on their website. And, it has proved to be a successful practice for them. If you have a clinic or a private hospital and you do not provide this service, here are some reasons why you should do so:

Live chat is the most reliable channel of communication

Let's start with the most basic advantage. There is no doubt that live chat is indeed the most reliable channel for communication. Unlike telephones and emails, it allows you to provide a faster service and is easily accessible to your visitors. Any questions your current or future patients might have can be asked quickly through this convenient and efficient medium. Your prospect patients can get all kinds of concerns they have about you, solved through this channel.

It allows an instant connection

As said above live chat is very reliable. It is easily accessible and allows customers to get conveniently in touch with you. In an industry where many visitors contact at the time of emergency, this aspect can come to real use. If a patient is in emergency and he needs to contact you immediately, he can visit your website and type in his query and get it solved in a matter of a few seconds.

Live chat helps building a good reputation of your clinic

No matter which industry you belong to, in order to be successful, you have to build a positive image of your brand. When you provide an immaculate customer service and you are always there for your patients, they will indeed start trusting you. Once the trust is developed, they can spread a positive image about your clinic and hospital attracting other patients towards you.

Live chat is a onetime investment

Live chat support software has features that exceed far beyond the money that is invested on it. It allows one operator to deal with multiple customers, monitors them, gives you the analysis of your traffic and helps keeping a proper record of previous patients. Hence, it allows you to handle a particular patient according to his previous record or through his personal information.

Live chat helps increasing funds and revenues

Something that provides customer convenience, helps building customer trust and attracts more clients will increase your revenue. Just like any other industry, the health industry too strives on money. So, live chat having a very positive influence on your profit will work as an ideal tool for you.


  1. If you are planning to install a live chat software for website of your own, make sure that you do not simply follow the herd. Instead, it is better that you have certain facts and considerations cleared in your mind so that you are well aware of its usage for your website.

  2. Many companies correctly should be made to understand the need to have the option of Live Support Chat for Website so that they get more visitors
