Thursday 8 May 2014

Reasons why you need to have an excellent QA & training department

An organization can only be successful if it manages to maintain the quality of its performance. You might have gained a lot of customers because of your good performance, but to retain them you would have to make sure that the quality of the performance does not fall. In order to ensure that the quality of your services remain the same, you would have to constantly monitor your service for quality assurance.

Customer service is one of the main departments of any business. Being a representative of any organization, the person directly interacts with the customers, solving their queries, listening to their complaints and ensuring that the customers are provided with the utmost comfort. This department has the power to make or break your business. If your customer service is good, your sales will increase and you will get a greater customer turnover. But, just like any other department of your business, your customer service department too needs a constant check, quality assurance and monitoring.

QA and training for live chat:

Currently, live chat support software is the most convenient mode of communication. Being a fast, seam less, two-way and reliable channel, it humanizes your website by providing real time assistance to the customers. However, if the quality of your live chat support service is not regulated, its quality might fall. Similarly if the operators are not trained well, you will not be able to deliver the kind of performance that guarantees customer convenience.

One of the main reasons why live chat doesn't work for many organizations is that the training of the operators is not good. The operators are just given a manual and asked to operate on the software. And if they are trained, the training is not comprehensive and just some basics are taught. If you want to retain your customers and make sure that they are satisfied, you must give an excellent training to your operators and teach them all regarding live chat support.

To make sure that the operators follow all the instructions keenly and all the training is being put to proper use, you must also have a good QA (Quality Assurance) department. For quality assurance, you must keep a check on each and every operator, analyze all the chats and see which mistakes are being committed and why. Constant regulation of your live chat support service is the only thing that will let you maintain the quality of your performance.

1 comment:

  1. In today’s market place where everything is becoming more and more competitive and the profit margins are getting more and more squeezed, the only way to set a brand apart from the entire competition is great customer service with Joleado Live Customer Support Software.
