Monday 24 February 2014

Things to Consider While Providing Proactive Live Chat Support

Being proactive is the most valued customer service practice as it not only shows your concern for your customers but also saves you from losing a sale. Now, most of the businesses, especially the e-businesses are using proactive approach to catch potential customers landing on their website. With the mindset of providing a proactive support, your live chat agents remain more active in observing the visitors activities on their websites so that they could greet a customer at the right time. However, if you are overdoing the proactive chat practice, it may cast an impression as the clients are being forced to make a purchase.

To make your proactive chat effective, here are some important things to consider.

  • Before rushing towards potential client on your website, you need to thoroughly analyze customers' profile for which you can use live chat software's real-time visitor monitoring feature. This enables you to find out a potential client's location, the type of browser he has used to open up your website, the operating system he is using and the details about his membership.
  • Gathering this much of information about a customer does not take too much time, but just a few seconds. This way, your chat agents can make themselves fully prepared to ask relevant and precise questions in proactive chat greeting. Additionally, live chat operators can increase the first call resolution rate on your website by providing a useful support to potential clients just in a matter of seconds, which ultimately rewards them in-terms of immediate sales.
  • Proactive chat greetings should carry the essence of personalized support which is only possible when your chat agents have complete product knowledge as well as the necessary details about a particular customer. To make your proactive approach more personalized, you can send a greeting to a potential client in his native language. Give personalized attention to every word your potential client writes and then provide answers accordingly.
  • However, if your chat agents are bombarding the pre-designed chat greetings to the potential clients, this may reverse the results and you may get more bounce rate on your website.

Entrepreneurs all across the globe are taking the edge or proactive approach to increase their sales volume. By using live support service in UAE and across other business centers, you can proactively greet every visitor on your website.

1 comment:

  1. In a medium to large sized business, it is understood that you have to provide a live chat support anytime for anyone. The companies now can have the best customer service according to the quality of Live Chat System that they provide to their customers.
