Thursday 5 December 2013

Tips to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate with Live Chat during Holiday Season

Certainly, getting more web-traffic boosts the ranking of your website but this is half of the work you have done for your online business; because the rest half is to convert these visitors into your legitimate buyers. The rest half becomes tougher and tricky, especially during the holiday season, when there starts a steep competition among the retailers to generate more sales for their business

However, using right tools and adopting proper techniques, you can convert your website visitors into legitimate buyers. Live chat software is one of the most reliable and tested online business tools that have helped retailers in increasing conversions on their websites. See how you can you convert potential buyers into true purchasers using this convenient live support service tool.

Step Ahead in Approaching Customers

Sitting idle while waiting for a customer to approach you on his own, is a wrong policy. You need to be more active during busy season like the holidays; therefore, proactively approach visitors, just few seconds after he arrives at your website. This will help to keep him engaged on your website; moreover, it will also let him feel your presence.

Use Targeted Messages

Your responsibility does not end just on the first greeting message; rather you need to keep watching your visitors' activities using live chat visitor monitoring feature. By noticing the time duration as well as the location of a visitor on your website, you can well analyze where he needs your assistance. For instance, if a visitor is on features page or at the checkout stage, you should send messages carrying data related to features and price of the product, shipping costs sand payment methods. The real time assistance can help your visitor to successfully exit through your checkout stage.

Be Prompt in Your Actions

The immediacy of your service has much to do with the usefulness of your live support. Taking too long to respond, can turn your visitors away. Therefore, to serve the real purpose of live chat software on your website, you need to be active in providing quick and relevant responses to your website visitors. Timely responses in the right manners can result in increased conversions for your online business.

Thus, following the above mentioned tips, you can surge your end revenues by maximizing online conversion rates on your website even in the face of steep holiday season competition.


  1. I accidentally came across inside , and after looking through their site, it morphs a business website into a virtual storefront so business personnel can see and help their site visitors in real-time using chat.

  2. I like the suggestion you have given in this article to increase conversion rate. But its a time consuming process and also needs resources for setting up the whole environment.
    increase conversion rate
