Friday 13 December 2013

Embrace New Technology on Your Website with Live Support Chat Service

Every startup businesses have a unique story it can tell to new CEOs. You should pay attention to what they have to say. You will be able to learn a lot from web-based predecessors. Some found fortune and fame and some vanquished into thin air. It is said that 1 in 3 startup companies fail within thin their first three years. I am assuming you want your e-business to take off but as a cash-strapped CEO you are probably hoping customers will take a liking to your product offering. Here’s a surprise for you- great products do not sell by themselves! Top brands climbed the ladder of success by making the right choices including using live chat support service on their websites!

Have a Better Business Plan

The right business choices do not have to be expensive. You can find web-based marketing tools that are both cost-effective and efficient. For starters, make search engine optimization your top priority. Learn how to improve the content and structure of your website to make it appear in organic search results. You can submit your website to Google, Yahoo and Bing. Visit the webmaster tools to analyze if you’re doing everything okay. You should also embrace new technology. Software for live support service comes to mind. It is an online CRM application that enables you to listen to your customers!

Embrace New Technology

Mastering search engine optimization isn't easy. It requires both technical skills and alchemy. Your efforts will pay off when potential customers arrive at your website. It’s now up to you to retain them on your website. It doesn't matter if you are not an e-commerce website. All e-business websites have their unique conversion goals! They want website visitors to fill out an opt-in form, purchase products, download a product guide or watch an informational video. Get customers to convert with live support service!

Salient Features:

  • It is a web-based tool that is integrated on your website within five minutes. Your webmaster is sent a HTML code that he copies and pastes to the backend of your website. Once live chat service is installed, a chat API window and click-to-chat box appears on the screen. You can amend the default theme colors and logo of the chat box. Be sure to position to position the chat button somewhere that it will be easily seen by visitors.
  • The innovative business solution puts customer service representatives (CSRs) in charge of your website. They welcome guests as soon as they enter your virtual store. As visitors browse your website, operators use a built-in web analytic feature to keep an eye on their movements. Online metrics include web duration, keyword searches and referral URL source. If analysis indicates help is needed, CSRs send a proactive chat invitation.
  • They use text-based messaging to learn as much as possible about customer expectations. After listening, they propose a meaningful solution. Chat operators influence the conversion decision in many ways. They navigate browsers around your website, push links to engaging content and resolve common search queries.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this post! Adding live chat at your website has not been that simple always. Even a few years before, having Live Support Chat Software at your site meant that you had to install the software on your own server and have to really lighten your pockets to maintain the system
