Thursday 19 December 2013

Top Reasons for Retailers Use Live Chat Software for their E-commerce Websites

In this era of tough competition, you can hardly find a website without live chat software. Although, this web-based chat application offers numerous business benefits for which it is getting a tremendous popularity in the online business world; but here are a few reasons that are becoming the major driving force for retailers to get it installed on their websites.

Free Trial

Free trial perhaps is the biggest reason for retailers to choose live chat application for their websites. You do not have any risk of losing money because all that you need is to simply sign up and test a trail version. Usually, most of the chat software offer one-month free trial that proves enough to check the service while keeping every aspect in view.

Easy Installation

Easy installation is another appealing factor that attracts retailers to take the edge of this chat widget for their online business. Neither you need to follow a complex procedure; nor you need to spend extra time. Just signing up and entering a code will lead you towards few-minute easy live chat installation.

Enhanced Impression of Your Business and Website

Now the websites with live chat support software are considered more reliable and interactive. Moreover, the presence of live chat button also makes your e-commerce website more interactive.

Instant Leads

Live chat makes every visitor on your website, a potential lead for your online business. You can either approach a customer proactively or can respond to a chat request at your earliest. You can gather useful customer information by asking different questions in a one-on-one conversation with your potential clients. Moreover, geo location, real time monitoring feature and chat histories also provide useful customer data to entrepreneurs that can be used to boost lead generation process.

Distinguishing Customer Experience

How live chat support service makes you standout of the crowded market? You can only earn a distinct reputation when you exceed your customers’ expectations. Deploying live support, you can provide real-time, personalized and on-the-spot assistance to your customers throughout their website journey.

Increased Sales Volume

Using live chat you can handle maximum potential clients while keeping the quality of your online customer service. The multi-tasking feature of this web-based chat application enhances your operational activity by enabling your single chat operator to handle multiple chats simultaneously. This way, you can increase your sales volume by converting maximum customers into legitimate buyers.

These factors have enticed retailers to install live chat software on their websites.

Friday 13 December 2013

Embrace New Technology on Your Website with Live Support Chat Service

Every startup businesses have a unique story it can tell to new CEOs. You should pay attention to what they have to say. You will be able to learn a lot from web-based predecessors. Some found fortune and fame and some vanquished into thin air. It is said that 1 in 3 startup companies fail within thin their first three years. I am assuming you want your e-business to take off but as a cash-strapped CEO you are probably hoping customers will take a liking to your product offering. Here’s a surprise for you- great products do not sell by themselves! Top brands climbed the ladder of success by making the right choices including using live chat support service on their websites!

Have a Better Business Plan

The right business choices do not have to be expensive. You can find web-based marketing tools that are both cost-effective and efficient. For starters, make search engine optimization your top priority. Learn how to improve the content and structure of your website to make it appear in organic search results. You can submit your website to Google, Yahoo and Bing. Visit the webmaster tools to analyze if you’re doing everything okay. You should also embrace new technology. Software for live support service comes to mind. It is an online CRM application that enables you to listen to your customers!

Embrace New Technology

Mastering search engine optimization isn't easy. It requires both technical skills and alchemy. Your efforts will pay off when potential customers arrive at your website. It’s now up to you to retain them on your website. It doesn't matter if you are not an e-commerce website. All e-business websites have their unique conversion goals! They want website visitors to fill out an opt-in form, purchase products, download a product guide or watch an informational video. Get customers to convert with live support service!

Salient Features:

  • It is a web-based tool that is integrated on your website within five minutes. Your webmaster is sent a HTML code that he copies and pastes to the backend of your website. Once live chat service is installed, a chat API window and click-to-chat box appears on the screen. You can amend the default theme colors and logo of the chat box. Be sure to position to position the chat button somewhere that it will be easily seen by visitors.
  • The innovative business solution puts customer service representatives (CSRs) in charge of your website. They welcome guests as soon as they enter your virtual store. As visitors browse your website, operators use a built-in web analytic feature to keep an eye on their movements. Online metrics include web duration, keyword searches and referral URL source. If analysis indicates help is needed, CSRs send a proactive chat invitation.
  • They use text-based messaging to learn as much as possible about customer expectations. After listening, they propose a meaningful solution. Chat operators influence the conversion decision in many ways. They navigate browsers around your website, push links to engaging content and resolve common search queries.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Tips to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate with Live Chat during Holiday Season

Certainly, getting more web-traffic boosts the ranking of your website but this is half of the work you have done for your online business; because the rest half is to convert these visitors into your legitimate buyers. The rest half becomes tougher and tricky, especially during the holiday season, when there starts a steep competition among the retailers to generate more sales for their business

However, using right tools and adopting proper techniques, you can convert your website visitors into legitimate buyers. Live chat software is one of the most reliable and tested online business tools that have helped retailers in increasing conversions on their websites. See how you can you convert potential buyers into true purchasers using this convenient live support service tool.

Step Ahead in Approaching Customers

Sitting idle while waiting for a customer to approach you on his own, is a wrong policy. You need to be more active during busy season like the holidays; therefore, proactively approach visitors, just few seconds after he arrives at your website. This will help to keep him engaged on your website; moreover, it will also let him feel your presence.

Use Targeted Messages

Your responsibility does not end just on the first greeting message; rather you need to keep watching your visitors' activities using live chat visitor monitoring feature. By noticing the time duration as well as the location of a visitor on your website, you can well analyze where he needs your assistance. For instance, if a visitor is on features page or at the checkout stage, you should send messages carrying data related to features and price of the product, shipping costs sand payment methods. The real time assistance can help your visitor to successfully exit through your checkout stage.

Be Prompt in Your Actions

The immediacy of your service has much to do with the usefulness of your live support. Taking too long to respond, can turn your visitors away. Therefore, to serve the real purpose of live chat software on your website, you need to be active in providing quick and relevant responses to your website visitors. Timely responses in the right manners can result in increased conversions for your online business.

Thus, following the above mentioned tips, you can surge your end revenues by maximizing online conversion rates on your website even in the face of steep holiday season competition.