Thursday 26 June 2014

Catch their attention from the start - Ideas for amazing chat greetings

In a recent study by LiveAdmins® related to the effectiveness of chat greetings, it was revealed that greetings play a crucial role in engaging the customers. Since live chat support is gaining great popularity, customers are now aware of how it works and wouldn’t be surprised to find a chat window popping up when they enter a web store. But a lot of people still minimize the chat window and that too unconsciously. So, to make customers stop and look at your chat window and to avail it, you must make your presence felt. And, when it comes to making your presence felt, the greeting phase plays an important role in this regard.

Stop being boring and typical:

As said above, a majority of customers are not surprised to find a chat invitation popping up, so they wouldn't be surprised by your old and boring greeting either. A typical 'How may I help you' or 'Hi, I am john, how can I be of your assistance?' is not captivating enough. Customers must have heard this 100s times before so they would not find it very attractive. So, the first thing that you would have to do is to stop being boring and typical.

Don't be afraid to be bold and creative:

To make your greetings attractive don't feel shy to be bold and different. Add in phrases that you think no one else would use and would compel the visitors to give your chat service a try. Using the custom features of the live chat support software, you can tailor marvelous chat greetings and also set them differently for different pages of your website. Using the proactive chat wisely, you can set greetings at different times and different pages and even on different kinds of customers.

Examples of some unique greetings:

To help you in selecting a perfect greeting, here are some examples:
  • 'Hey what's up? Seems like you can't figure your way out?' For customers who are stuck at the checkout page, this greeting can be used.
  • For a new visitor you can say: 'Hey its Julia! How are you doing? Have any issues?'
  • 'Hi this is Sara, your problems are mine to solve. So need any help?'
  • 'Hello, I am John, seems like you need a little help. Don't be afraid to ask, I'll help you'
You get the idea don't you? The above mentioned greetings are different, innovative, funny and very attractive.

Friday 13 June 2014

Customer service benchmarks you can attain with live chat

Providing customer service of a top notch is very important for any organization to prosper. When you treat your customers well and respect their opinions, they will respect you in return and form a long lasting bond with your organization. You must give them convenient and smooth channels of communication, through which they can easily get all their problems solved.

Where other channels of communication have their share of limitations, there is one channel that allows you to provide excellent customer service, and that channel is live chat support. Here are some benchmarks that live chat helps you to attain:

High FCR rates

It is a well known fact that customers despise coming again and again for the same problem. The more you solve customers' issues on first contact, the more satisfied they will be with you. It has been proven repeatedly through various research studies that live chat plays a positive role in increasing your FCR rates. The client dashboard and knowledge base library of the live chat support software keep the product knowledge of your operators up to dated. Hence letting them easily solve a query on the first contact.

Lesser response time

Being fast is perhaps the first thing that customers seek out in your customer service. When they have to go through hassles to reach you and have to wait hours to get a response, they get annoyed and agitated. Live chat support, being the fastest channel of customer communications, allows instant and seamless connection. The multi chat features of the live chat support software allow the operators to handle multiple customers simultaneously; hence reducing the customers' queue and the response time as well.

Customer satisfaction

When your service is fast and you resolve customer issues on first contact, your customer will be happy with you. And, when they are happy with you, they will eventually be satisfied with your service. Apart from providing a smooth and efficient channel of communication, live chat also makes online shopping a highly convenient experience for the customers. It allows the operators to help the visitors in all the stages of online shopping and allows them to guide the customers well.

The above mentioned three important metrics, determine the state of your customer service. And live chat allows to you to attain these benchmarks effectively.

Monday 2 June 2014

How Live Chat Software Renovates Your Online Customer Service?

To have live chat software on e-commerce websites has become a norm as well as a necessity. When a customer lands on a website with live chat application, the first perception that comes in his mind is that he can have a real-time and enhanced online shopping experience here. Moreover, the websites with support are considered more authentic and livelier.

No doubt, other than serving as a symbol of credibility, the live chat has also become a big need because, without it, the retailers do not have any direct and reliable way of connecting and communicating with their potential clients. The way, the online vendors used to get connected and support their potential clients earlier has totally been transformed. See how this chat application renovates the online customer.

Easy Connectivity

Although, telephonic support has long been in use in connecting online customers and retailers with each other but it has many limitations like – sound distortion, busy helpline, high cost. This mode of connectivity has not been as useful because a customer has to wait long even after getting his call connected. However, live chat support removes all such kinds of discrepancies, as it lets a potential buyer to get connected to CSRs, just in a matter of seconds. There is no need to dial a long helpline number or no need to stand in the queue. The multitasking feature of live chat enables live chat operators to serve more than three customers simultaneously.

Fast and Useful Assistant

As live chat widget enables live chat operators to develop one-on-one contacts with their clients by communicating with them through text-based conversation. The seamless chat sessions allow CSRs to provide on-the-spot answers to their customers' queries. Thus, the potential clients can get all their issues resolved only in one session.

Personalized Assistance

Online customer service has never been as personalized as it is now with the incorporation of live chat with e-commerce websites. The live chat agents can provide personalized assistance to their potential clients by assisting them in their native languages.

Round the Clock Assistance

Now, with the advent of live chat software, retailers can keep their online service on for 24/7. Doing this they can expand their business reach by eliminating the time zone difference and inviting customers from across the globe.

Undoubtedly, this innovative business tool has duly renovated the online customer service on the whole.