Tuesday 29 October 2013

Little Blunders that Can Ruin the Purpose of Your Live Support Service

Live chat is all about convenience, quality as well as quickness. This is the reason that the modern-day customers prefer to visit websites, which offer live chat support. The chat widget is equally useful both for retailers as well as customers. Businesses, who know how to take the best out of this chat widget, are enjoying all the business benefits even they enter the crowded market place with great zeal and confidence.

It would be no wrong to mention that this web-based chat application is not equally beneficial for all businesses. Entrepreneurs, who properly plan and keep the customers’ comfort as their top priority, can make the most of it; whereas others, who provide a little training to their chat agents, are getting the reversed results.

Here are little mistakes that can ruin the purpose of your live chat.

Wait for Customers to Start a Chat

Not all the customers are likely to locate chat window on your website; nor do all of them believe on the presence of real persons on your site. It is you, who need to make your presence felt, who need to develop your customers’ trust that there is someone real, who will greet them in the same manners as in they are visiting a brick and mortar store. By integrating live support service, you can proactively approach every visitor coming to your site. You can greet him and ask if he needs further help.

Improper Use of Canned Messages

Usually, when the customer volume on an e-commerce website rises to the maximum limit, the chat agents increase the use of canned messages. Canned messages are predesigned responses therefore, do not provide the relevant help to the potential clients all the time. Moreover, these give a robotic feel to your site ultimately turning your customers away. To handle the holiday rush, you need to provide proper training to your chat agents on how to multitask while using live chat software.

Delayed Responses

Live chat is more appreciated for its quickness. Websites, which deploy online support, claim to provide on-the-spot responses to the customers. However, when handling traffic load or tough questions, the live operators take longer than normal. This ruins the purpose of implementing live chat on your e-stores because a delayed response might irritate customer, consequently causing him to leave your website.

To reap the real benefits of live chat support, you need to provide proper training to your live chat agents on how to handle the rush or tough customer complaints.

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