Sunday 18 August 2013

Live Support Software Makes You Closer to Your Visitors Activities

Live support software offers a number of astonishing features, one of which is ‘real time traffic monitoring’. This unique feature enables you to closely observe visitors’ activities on your website. You can collect useful data about your visitors and can use it to bring improvements not only in contents of your website but also in your online customer service.

Keeping a constant track of visitors’ activities on your website is important for many reasons. It lets you analyze your popularity, your discrepancies and the rate of your progress.  Knowing visitors’ activities is also essential to analyze where you stand in the competitive online market. Above all, it gives you an insight on how to bring improvements in your website to gain more traffic and more conversions. How can you observe the activities of visitors on your website more accurately? You need to use latest website tools and technologies which could give you more precise results. One of the most reliable tools which can do wonders in observing your visitors on your website is live support software.

See how implementing this web-based chat application benefits in getting closer to your visitors’ activities.

Using the real-time traffic monitoring feature of live support service, you cannot only get closed to your site visitors; rather you can know about the traffic of different websites. You can know where your visitor has come from and how many times he/she has navigated through your website. Noticing visitors’ time spent on each page of your website, you can even know which of your web pages have been frequently visited and which are overlooked. You can even know the reasons behind your visitors’ varying tendency of using different pages.

The remarkable visitor tracking feature of live support software also lets you know on how particular visitor landed on your site, what geographical location he/she belongs to. You can even know what language a particular user speaks.  Taking advantage of website monitoring function of your live chat, you can observe daily and monthly traffic on your website, including page views and unique IP addresses. Providing all minute details, the unique feature of live chat enables you to know the type of browser and operating system used by your website visitors.

The website traffic monitoring tool of online support allows you to see which search engines are providing you traffic as well as most frequently used keywords to find your site.

Having a closer view of your visitors’ activities lets you bring improvements not only in your website contents but also in your online services. The data and statistics collected by traffic monitoring feature of live chat lets you know analyze your monthly and yearly progress. Keeping a continuous track of your website’s popularity as well as loopholes, you can make timely up-gradations to keep your business going even in tough marketing situations.

Undoubtedly, observing your visitors’ activities has never been as easy and accurate as it is now with real time traffic monitoring feature of live support software.

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