Tuesday 28 May 2013

Live Chat Support Provides Customer Service Whether Your Products are Grizzly Proof

Graduating from college is a step towards adulthood. Most college graduates work at finding 9-5 jobs and attending happy hours. Few amongst them have bigger plans up their sleeves. College entrepreneurs want to take the road less traveled. They will work rain or shine to see their childhood dream become a reality. Fresh-graduates will work years on end to build capital or/and will ask for seed funding from investors. Once their prototype is approved, they will speak to retailers around their locale to supply their merchandize. They can use live chat support on their e-commerce websites to create brand awareness and sell their products.

Build Interest with Engaging Content

Live support software is a web-based tool that provides customers service support in real-time. Globally-situated operators use the built-in web analytic feature to assess if help is needed. They are available around the clock and speak various languages.
Buying a dot com domain and linking it to your hosting server is no guarantee website visitors will convert into paying customers. Entrepreneurs will have to employ various content marketing strategies to build interest in their products. They can use informative videos, research papers, and engaging blog posts to justify the high-price. They should give away merchandize to well-known persons in their niche category in exchange of testimonials on their website. The guys behind Yeti coolers wanted to sell their $400 luxury cooler to sport enthusiasts. As they didn’t have the resources to sponsor game hunters and seasoned fisherman, they gave away their coolers and asked for testimonials in return. Last but not least, web-based startups should use an online CRM application to cater to customer inquiries and complaints. One which comes to mind is live chat support!

Don’t Forget Customer Support Service

Prospective and acquired customers want you to be on top of delivering customer support when they want it. You can proudly claim your products are grizzly-proof all you want but situations will arise which will need to be sorted out.

By using live support software, you can leave it to globally-situated operators to take care of those matters. Customer service representatives (CSRs) are online 24/7 and are multilingual. They can live chat with website visitors in various languages including English, Arabic and German.
Live support software has a web analytic feature that assesses site usage and webpage duration. Once analysis shows their help is needed, operators do not hesitate to come to the rescue. They send a proactive chat invitation to learn about the problem and propose meaningful solutions.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Live Chat Software A Shortcut Track to Business Success

Live chat software is now considered most important thing when it comes to an online business as it provides customer services and marketing tool at the same time. This unique factor makes live help desk different from other marketing tools. No doubt live person increases your business income by providing a good marketing campaign and customer support. The major reasons for guaranteed business success by using live chat are:

  • ·         Fast Responsive Communication
The thing which makes live chat software so successful and heart of online business is that it provides fast platform of communication. Like any other instant messaging service, when you use online chat you can communicate with each and every customer on your site. It also enables you to deal with handful of customers at the same time which leads to more sales and increased customer experience.
  • ·         Gather Consumer’s Information and Feedback
While chatting, you can gather information about your customers that can be helpful when you start to formulate your marketing campaigns. This may include where they live to what they are interested. Since the program live chat saved all customer chats you can run through them later to note the details of your customer base that consistently come up and use it to help you choose your target for all SEO and marketing campaigns later. Secondly recording customer‘s feedback will help you to make reforms in your business and make up to the satisfaction level of customers.
  • ·         Immediate Installation and Use
One of the best perks to download live help software is that installation is usually quick and in less than a half-hour program live chat is live and ready to use. You can quickly begin to use it after purchasing, which makes the website chat software one of the best products that you can choose if you want to see a quick return on investment. On other side, it also means that you can begin to offer excellent customer service from the day you purchase the software support for enterprise help desk.
  • ·         Increase Sales Volume
It is easy to see and understand how live chat software can help boost your sales on the fact that the simple turnaround on customer inquiries and complaints can help to increase your sales. One of the top reasons that customers hesitate at making an online purchase is that they have a question they want answered before pressing the Buy button. If you can answer their question immediately you can a remarkable upturn in overall weekly sales margins.
  • ·         Attract more customers
Finally, with marketing information that you can use the software live chat and monitoring campaigns can create better marketing campaigns to attract larger number of target audience to your website. With more customers, you will naturally create a tremendous raise in your business ROI.
In short live chat software is the best solution to your marketing problems and helps to develop good business relationship with your clients and customers.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Stand Up to Competition with Live Chat Support

In the virtual marketplace, not everyone has it in them to go up against larger players. Online competitors may as well be a favorite household name but it doesn’t mean you should steer clear of them. Just recall the story of David vs. Goliath! The Biblical tale showcased a town that feared the giant Goliath. He was tall and mighty but that didn’t stop a young David from fearlessly crossing his path. He chose to defy all odds by fighting his opponent with a slingshot and a bag of stones. By the end of the match, David became victorious! You too could make waves by competing online. All you need is soaring confidence and Live Chat Support!

Just because you are a new entry in the virtual marketplace, it doesn’t mean you cannot compete against larger players. Use Live Chat Support to give your online business an edge. It delivers customer support in real-time.
Don’t think it’s possible to compete against more established players? Then, just ask Richard Branson! When the iconic founder of Virgin Group decided to launch Virgin Atlantic, he met many naysayers, including his own bankers! The bank manager thought it was impossible for a record business to launch an airline. He even threatened to foreclose on the whole Virgin Group! Despite the backlash, Branson courageously switched banks and launched Virgin Atlantic. The gutsy entrepreneur recalls competition included TWA, Pan AM, and Air Florida. Branson explains, “I mention these names because none of them exist anymore.” Others failed because they “didn’t focus on the customer”.

He also exclaimed, “You can be a David vs. a Goliath, if you get it right”! If you are ready to take on Goliath, then you need more than just a slingshot and a bag of stones. You need Live Chat Support on your side! It is a web-based tool which guarantees enhanced visitor experience and increased customer loyalty. Help Desk delivers customer support through the aid of live chat technology. You may wonder how an online CRM application enables you to compete with other e-commerce businesses. Studies reveal customers are unhappy with the way they treated by larger enterprises when they ask for support. They are either handled by poorly trained operators that delay responses, have inadequate knowledge or give customers a bad attitude.

Online businesses that integrate Help Desk will have no trouble in winning over customers that want to be treated differently. Upon entering the website, visitors are greeted by customer service representatives (CSRs) whose duty is to proffer assistance.  The web-based tool ensures CSRs are more than just a decoration piece on your website. They proactively interact with every website visitor. As browsers go through the website, chat operators analyze their referral URL, keyword searches and webpage duration. Once a customer hits a stumbling block, CSRs don’t passively wait to be asked for a meaningful solution. They initiate the conversation by sending a chat invitation. Once it is accepted, they help customers by navigating them around the site and by clarifying company policies.