Monday 22 April 2013

Online Support Service Converts a Common Web Experience into Personalized One

Creating a common web experience would seldom let you know the presence of a visitor on your page. Suppose you are running an online business of home appliances and you have created a website just having information regarding your products. Would that be enough to attract a customer and entice him to make a purchase with you? Only those lucky customers will complete the purchase process who would not find any problem, queries or other hindrances during the whole procedure. But it rarely happens. Without any proper customization your website would be a lull piece of information, where a visitor hardly pays attention because in today’s digitized world, people being more social media savvy want to have a real person to chat with to make any sort of purchasing. Talking to a real person to make a purchase enhances customers’ trust and satisfaction in your products and services. However, implementing online support service on your website you can convert a general web experience into a customized one which ultimately would bring umpteenth advantages for your online business.

Using chat software, in your website you can make your e-commerce website much more fast and interactive where potential buyers will be prompted to make a purchase with you after having a great customer service experience. With the help of this web based chat application, you can monitor visitors and their activities on your web page. Delivering a personalized experience you can make your sales conversion more effective.

Using online support service, you cannot only increase your sales but can also deliver high ROI and retain your old customers. This chat application enables you to create customized auto invitations through a chat box window. To create a more customized chat experience, the live operators gather important information about every visitor through a pre-chat survey which includes name of the browsers, key points of their issues and email address etc. Once the information is collected a specific visitor is assigned to specific operator. This way, having prior information, the operators provide more personalized assistance to their visitors. Having such a personalized chat experience your potential customers will feel comfortable and would develop a friendly relationship with you and your brand or company.

Using visitor monitoring functionality of chat software, the customer service representatives keep a track of their visitors’ activities like which page they are browsing, from which locations they have come and for how long they have stayed on a specific page.

Collection of all this information helps online chat reps to design more relevant questionnaire to carry out effective ext conversation with a specific visitor. Thus, carrying out more personalized and real time conversation, a general web experience is turned into specific one.

Thus using online support service, you can enhance your web experience by creating personalization as well as customization.

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