Wednesday 13 February 2013

Online Support Chat: A Touchpoint Faster Than Light

Every now and then when people want to get in touch with a company for help, most of the time they pick up a phone to call support centers. Last year it was revealed in a research that more than 3/4 of the total population in the US would always be on the internet. Therefore, with a great number of users going online today, expectations for efficient services are much higher than before, which means that businesses have to come up with new ways to communicate with their user base instantly. Better than telephonic or email contact, online support chat provides a touch point that lets customers connect live with company representatives within seconds. This feature is quite akin to IM, highly efficient and the fact that it is extremely cost-effective to deploy makes it stand out even more among other communication channels.  Let’s compare online customer support with email and phone see how it surpasses them whether it’s cost, efficiency or delivering better customer experience.

• With online support chat, a company rep can assist multiple customers at a time. Unlike phone support that requires one operator to assist just a single customer at a time, live reps have multiple chat windows to converse with and thus assist many browsers, so there is no question of putting them through long waits for their turn.

• When compared to phone support, live chat support is much cost-effective to deploy. It possesses superior scalability i.e. concurrent handling of online customers enables a few agents to handle the same number of requests in a shorter time.

• Online customer support lets customers access instant solutions. It takes at least 24 hours for to an email to get back to the customers and phone calls entail either long hold-times or even busy lines, however with live support company reps are present right at the website to assist the customers. As soon a browser lands on the page, a chat window automatically opens with a company rep proactively offering help.

• Live chat can prove to be very beneficial for a company's bottom-line in the long run as compared to phone support.  It can lead to customer loyalty and hyper-repeat customers. Skillful customer reps perfectly route, connect and interact with the customers to solve their problems that leads to maximum satisfaction, which lengthy phone calls or email cannot do.

According to a study by Forrester, live support can significantly up the conversion rate and thus translate into higher profits. Besides making navigation of a website easier, live support allows customers to access solutions in a jiffy right from the convenience of their computers. So there is no longer a need for companies to resort to a trade-off between quality and cost-effectiveness.


  1. Yes, The Live Customer Support Software empowers more authentic input, helps in making change in administration and helps acquire client transformations from leads.

  2. To make chats work, you must take care of them every day. It’s very important that there is always someone to answer the chat. If you have a live chat System window pop up on your website, but there’s no one to help a visitor, what’s the point of using it? Try with Joleado System for today!
