Tuesday 15 January 2013

How Does Online Support Chat Help MENA Organizations

These days all spotlights rest on the Middle Eastern & North African region (MENA). Aside from making the frequent political headlines, this region has become famous for their industrial development and social media growth. According to an infographic released by SocialBakers, “Middle East and North Africa on Facebook at the End of 2012”, there are more than 10 million new users on Facebook from this region. As a result, business organizations from across different industries worldwide are jumping on to the MENA bandwagon! However, despite having an active presence on Facebook, companies have yet to master customer engagement. And while, social media strategies get a facelift, companies can utilize online support chat to engage customers from their website.

In order to assess the engagement and response rate, SocialBakers analyzed the top industries ranked by their Facebook size. The top 5 industries included media, e-commerce, airlines, FMCG, and telecom. Despite the increase in social media usage, SocialBakers discovered more than half of the companies have a user response rate below 65%. This figure can be attributed to brands that have disabled user comments or those who have infrequent updates. In order to develop customer relationships, companies should utilize social media and integrate Online Support Chat.

There is no denying social media’s effect on enhancing customer service but online customer support can be even more effective if used properly. Although, social media posts generate traffic to the company’s website, Online Customer Support converts leads into customers. This online CRM application appears as a chat API that enables live chat between the visitor and customer service representatives (CSR). Upon visitor’s arrival, companies can utilize web analytics to predict whether assistance would be required or not. After gauging the referral URL, keyword searches, and webpage duration, the CSR proactively engages customers into a meaningful discussion. Live chat grants visitors the opportunity to discuss the product offerings, sales, shipping and return policy. Through this real time response system, customer queries can be resolved on the spot, increasing online conversions and the marketing ROI of the firm.

1 comment:

  1. To make chats work, you must take care of them every day. It’s very important that there is always someone to answer the chat. If you have a Website Support Chat window pop up on your website, but there’s no one to help a visitor, what’s the point of using it? Read here: https://bit.ly/2BLOpyO
