Monday 24 March 2014

5 Keys to Boost Online Sales through Live Chat Software

The vendors' quest of making more and getting better than ever is genuine because the tough market situation and increasing customer demands are biggest stimulants to drive them this way. If you are one of those entrepreneurs, who are in race of finding new ways of boosting their online sales then foremost thing you need to do is to install live chat software in your website. This innovative business tool has proved to increase online sales in wonderful ways. Here are five keys to boost your online sales through this chat widget.

1. Select the Right Tool

When it comes to choosing live chat software for your business, you should never compromise on quality. You need to select the best tool for your business which offers maximum features, easy installation and a 30-day trial period. The more features your chat widget would have, the more likely you are to upgrade your business (sales and customer service techniques). Moreover, a prolonged trial period will enable you to check all the pros and cons of your chosen live chat software.

2. Get a Complete Command over its Usage

Just getting the best tool is not going to work out until you do not know how to handle it efficiently. You need to make your live chat agents well aware of its features and functionalities so that they could create an enhanced customer experience by using it efficiently.

3. Keep it on, 24/7

Whether you are providing live support service in UAE or in any other business center across the world, you need to turn your live chat status on, round the clock. This means that you have to turn on your service 24/7, as this will help you catch maximum customers from across the globe.

4. Experiment

Do not stick to obsolete sales and customer service techniques; rather to cope up with increasing customers' demands, you sometimes need to do experiments with your live chat software. For instance, you can check various locations of your live chat button to check, which one brings more profitable results for your business. In the same way, you can bring changes in your canned messages. Using the customizing feature of your live chat solution, you can experiment with different colors and designs of live chat windows.

5. Use Proactive Approach

You need to use proactive approach to invite customers for the live chat sessions. The proactive approach is useful in engaging potential clients on your website.

Thus, following these key points, you can make your live chat software a sales generating business tool.

Monday 10 March 2014

How your team size is linked to customers' satisfaction?

One of the best features of live chat software is its multiple chats feature. By allowing one operator to handle multiple customers at a time, this feature reduces recruitment expenses along with making customers' management easy. But, many companies exploit this feature and hire a team of very few greeters in order to cut their costs. While this practice does work in this regard, a smaller team of chat operators might lead to a decrease in customers’ satisfaction rates and a poor live chat performance. There are many companies providing live support services in UAE that focus on cost reduction because of which they hire a few operators, hence neglecting customers' satisfaction, which is a wrong practice because:

More operators means more attention
Multiple chats might improve the average response time of your customers, but it can decrease the resolution rate of your organization. The reason for this is that handling multiple customers simultaneously divides the attention of the operators, because of which they cannot completely focus on the customers' issues. When you would not solve customers' queries - the key reason why customers contact you, they would be disappointed. On the other hand, when your operators are able to focus on customers’ issues, they will be able to resolve them better, leading to an increase in customers' satisfaction rates.

Handling multiple customers will decrease the efficiency of the operators

With a lot on their plate, the performance of your operators will obviously be affected. And, since your operators are responsible for making your live chat support work, a bad performance on their part will fail your live chat services. Not only will the multiple chatting decrease the resolution rate but will also not let operators guide the customers well. Chatting with multiple customers along with real-time monitoring and customer tracking will increase the stress of the operators. This will, then lead to a slow and weak performance. In short, chatting with more than 3 customers simultaneously will not only let your chat operators solve customers' queries effectively but will also not let them guide the visitors better. All of this will lead to customers' frustration and dissatisfaction.

For making live chat customer support work, it is very important that the operators give their full attention to the customers. Since multiple chatting divides the attention of the customer, your resolution rates will fall along with your customer satisfaction rates. So, whether you are providing live support services in UAE, UK, US or anywhere in the world, it is important that the size of your team is large enough to handle customers effectively.