Wednesday 27 November 2013

In What Ways Live Chat Transcripts Are Helpful for Online Businesses?

Live chat on a website is conducted in form of textual conversation between online customer service agents and customers. Now business websites are greatly relying on live chat to provide instant responses to their visitors and potential customers. Chat on a business website is conducted through live chat support software that makes it easy for both retailers and purchasers to approach each other.

The text-conversation between the two parties is not wasted; rather, it is saved in the systems in form of chat transcripts. What could be the purpose of saving these chat transcripts?

Chat Transcripts Provide Accurate Information of Your Conversion Rate

Every chat transcript is unique in its kind because your chat agents come across a variety of worldwide customers, having different needs and concerns. By comparing your different chat transcripts at different time, you can know about your progress. You can well analyzed where did you lack and where your performance earned you great rewards.

You can save Chat Transcript as a Chat History

Saved chat transcripts, also known as 'chat histories', can be used at different times for different purposes. For instance, these can be used to generate useful leads for your business. Moreover, in-depth view of your chat transcripts also provides you an insight on your customers’ changing demands and needs.

Chat Transcripts Help you Make Improvements in your Chat Scripts

Even looking at your old chat transcript, you can easily get to know your strengths and weaknesses. You can also make improvements in your existing chat scripts if it has not yielded a good conversion rate. In case, a chat transcript has resulted in a good conversion rate, you can keep it in future to get more conversion.

Chat Transcripts Give You an Analysis of Your Operators' Performance

Another way, chat transcripts are important is that these provide you a clear picture of your operators' performance. You can easily get to know which of your chat agents have brought more conversions for your business. Moreover, you can also get to know whether your live support service agents are completely abiding by companies rules and policies while providing live support.

This is how saving live chat’s transcripts can help online retailers to revise and improve the business strategies while keeping their previous and current progress in view.

Monday 18 November 2013

Making a Brand Image with Live Chat Software - Market Analysis

Live chat is an extraordinary online communication mode. It can be used in many different ways and on several different dimensions. The software was created to provide ease to the customers during their online shopping spree but it turned out to be a great marketing tool. The companies are using this software to enhance their sales, increase their profits and boost their clients’ satisfaction level high. It is the number one communication channel in the online world and now more and more companies are taking it in to increase their business.

The implementation of live chat software on their websites has also helped these companies to make a better brand image. How are they doing it?

A Smooth Connection:

According to a market analysis, 35% of the small companies are now a brand in their locality because they have created a smooth connection between the company and the clients with the help of this software. Live support service in UAE is considered important in the UAE online market because it is providing them a way to interact with their clients that is appreciated by the clients.

This has never happened before. These companies are hiring and training their chat operators to use the chat software in a convenient and efficient way. They believe in fast, real time and accurate replies to their clients.

Making It Easy For the Client:

You cannot imagine the ways these companies in the UAE are enhancing their service with live chat. They are actually making it easy for the clients to connect with the company. The companies that offer customized products are actually conducting initial meetings and consultations through the live chat. It is proving to be an immediate success for those businesses.

This is not only saving the client’s time, but it is also impressing them and urging them to purchase something from these companies, just last year, these companies make 75% more profit on November and up until now, 45% of the companies have already started their campaigns that are helping them gain more clients.

And as Christmas is just a month away, the online market of UAE is using their live chat to the best of its abilities.

Monday 4 November 2013

Live Chat Software Eases Visitors Journey on Your Website

Not all the websites present the things in the same manners even when they are selling the same products or services. In the similar manner, not all the visitors are of same caliber to completely navigate through a website. Usually, a visitor leaves a website when he fails to explore the desired information in a proper manner. Even at some websites, visitors need to fill some forms for which they need instant help. Thus, at one point or the other, a browser needs to interact with someone real to whom he could put forth his concerns.

This is the reason that entrepreneur integrate live chat software on their e-commerce websites, so that they could create a friendly user experience. See how this chat application helps you ease your visitors’ journey on your website.

Provide an Easy Connectivity

By providing a live chat button on your e-commerce website, you make it easy for your users to be connected with you while navigating through your website. Moreover, you can also be connected to your visitors using proactive chat greetings.  Thus, the presence of chat button encourages visitors to continue their visits on your website.

On-the-Spot Assistance Let’s Your Visitors Explore You

With the help of live chat, you can track where a particular visitor needs help. Thus, by noticing the time and location of a visitor on your website, you can provide him on the spot and real-time assistance. Chat operators provide personalized assistance to every visitor on their website. To give a more clear idea about a product or service, they can even push links and share images.

Staying Available Round the Clock, You can assist your Visitors Anytime
Different visitors navigate through your website at different times, especially when your website caters to the needs of global market, then the chances for you to get the international visitors become equal. Thus, using the 24/7 availability feature of live chat software, you can serve your international customers, by diminishing the time zone difference.

Language Support

Another way to ease your visitors’ journey is to provide them language support on your website. By deploying live chat support, you can assist them in their native languages. This way, you can better assist the customers, who speak different languages and belong to different backgrounds.

Thus, creating an easy user experience through live chat, you can increase your website traffic.